How to put our trust in God? Some people do not know the answer to this question because they are not very good at asking questions. If I were to ask you a question, do you know the answer? If the answer is no that should tell you how little you really know about God. Because if we do not know something about God, it does not mean that we cannot have faith in Him.
I know that many people have heard the saying, "If you do not know something, do not ask." That is very wise advice because it shows us the importance of having the ability to recognize something that we need information on. We need to have the ability to trust God before we can trust Him to provide for us with His promises. How do we get to that point, though?
There are some things that we must do as we search for answers to the question, "How to put our trust in God." We must begin by being honest with ourselves. We must be fully accountable to Him for everything that we do. The only way that we can trust Him is if He can see and verify that we are telling the truth. We are not going to get anywhere if we are fudging the truth about anything.
We must learn to trust our spouse before we can trust God. If we have sex with someone else, we are not walking under the same roof with our Lord. We must show Jesus and God that we will indeed keep God in our relationship. That is one of the easiest ways that we can gain trust in Him. When we are consistent with others, they will also be consistent with us.
To gain trust in God, we must know that He loves us and wants good things for us. There are those times when there is nothing going on around us that is happening the way that we want it to. We must believe that something great is going to happen for us because He has promised us that it will. We must let go of the fear of the unknown and trust that God is just waiting for us to let Him know. This is one of the most difficult things to do.
If we are going to ask Him for His trust, we must be real and let Him see the purity that we are. There is something like purity that people need to understand about. It is not just about having clean skin; it's about letting the Word of God shine through so that others can see the truth that God has placed right in our lives. God is just waiting for us to turn to Him for His trust.
When you have this trust, the Lord will answer your prayers. You will know that He is talking to you because you will hear the answer to your prayer. You might have to ask Him a few times for the answer, but eventually you will hear the answer.
One of the greatest things that you can learn when you are trying to learn how to put our trust in God is to let Him show you what you need to do for your life. Sometimes it can feel like there is too much that you must do and that you don't have time to do anything, but this is the only way that you will find out what you really need to do with your life. The Bible shows us how to put our trust in God by showing us how to pray and how to get answered when we pray. We just must allow the answers to come to us and the work that is required to do them. We can learn how to put our trust in God by reading the Bible and listening to His voice.